Markus Hedlund

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PHP escapeshellarg with unicode/utf-8 support

By default escapeshellarg will strip any unicode characters. You can in some cases solve this by setting the locale to a utf-8 variant, but that might not always work.

Another way to do this is to write a custom escapeshellarg function:

function mb_escapeshellarg($arg)
    if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
        return '"' . str_replace(array('"', '%'), array('', ''), $arg) . '"';
    } else {
        return "'" . str_replace("'", "'\\''", $arg) . "'";

The code above is translated from the C source of PHP.

Below is the C code for this function from the file ext/standard/exec.c, if you want to check. Copyright held by respective authors according to the license.

/* {{{ php_escape_shell_arg
PHPAPI char *php_escape_shell_arg(char *str)
    int x, y = 0, l = strlen(str);
    char *cmd;
    size_t estimate = (4 * l) + 3;


    cmd = safe_emalloc(4, l, 3); /* worst case */

#ifdef PHP_WIN32
    cmd[y++] = '"';
    cmd[y++] = '\'';

    for (x = 0; x < l; x++) {
        int mb_len = php_mblen(str + x, (l - x));

        /* skip non-valid multibyte characters */
        if (mb_len < 0) {
        } else if (mb_len > 1) {
            memcpy(cmd + y, str + x, mb_len);
            y += mb_len;
            x += mb_len - 1;

        switch (str[x]) {
#ifdef PHP_WIN32
        case '"':
        case '%':
            cmd[y++] = ' ';
        case '\'':
            cmd[y++] = '\'';
            cmd[y++] = '\\';
            cmd[y++] = '\'';
            /* fall-through */
            cmd[y++] = str[x];
#ifdef PHP_WIN32
    cmd[y++] = '"';
    cmd[y++] = '\'';
    cmd[y] = '\0';

    if ((estimate - y) > 4096) {
        /* realloc if the estimate was way overill
         * Arbitrary cutoff point of 4096 */
        cmd = erealloc(cmd, y + 1);
    return cmd;
/* }}} */